Patient Education
Saturday, May 18, 2024

  Your Body
  Medical Record
  Before Surgery
  Your Procedure

Biopsy Surgery


Your Procedure

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Now it's time to talk about the actual procedure your doctor has recommended for you.

On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
You may receive a sedative by mouth and
an intravenous line may be put in.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
Your doctor will scrub thoroughly and will apply an antiseptic solution to the skin around the area where the incision will be made.
Then, the doctor will place a sterile drape or towels around the operative site ...
... and will inject a local anesthetic. This will sting a bit, usually, the surgeon will inject more than one spot - in order to make sure that the entire area is thoroughly numb.
After allowing a few minutes for the anesthetic to take effect, the surgeon will make a small incision.
Once the incision has been made, your doctor will begin looking for the lump.
You will feel some pressure or even slight tugging or pulling - but you should not feel any sharp pain.
Once the lump is removed, the doctor will close the skin over the incision as neatly and as cosmetically as they are able.
Finally, a sterile dressing is applied.
Your tissue specimen will be sent immediately to a lab for microscopic analysis. Your doctor will tell you when to expect results from the tests.

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Survey Questions

1) Did the information help to decrease any anxiety that you may have had about the procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
2) Did the presentation help you understand the procedure any better?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
3) How would you rate the quality of the information?
Very Good
4) Would you recommend this program to others having the same procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, probably.
Thank you for taking our Survey!
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